Jul 23 - Aug 22
● Howlite: The calming stone. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. This stone teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. A beautiful tranquil stone to calm the mind and assist with peaceful, clear communication.
● Red Jasper: The stone of empowerment. Red jasper brings strength and empowerment to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to grow from situations that no longer serve us. Red Jasper carries strong spiritual grounding vibrations, creating a strong connection to the earth. A powerful stone to carry as protection against those that wish to control you as well as to ground you to mother nature.
● Amber: Amber is a powerful healer that cleanses both physical and emotional energies. Alleviating stress from your mind and body it encompasses strong grounding energies helping you with motivation and drive.
● Tigers Eye: A stone of protection. Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety. A perfect stone for those needed extra help with their mental or emotional health.
● Labradorite: A stone of transformation. Labradorite is a useful companion through change by promoting courage and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Labradorite is an excellent stone for strengthening intuition making it a wonderful stone when meditating or for tapping into your psychic abilities.
*canvas bag not included