— Bringing protection and ease throughout your journey whilst travelling.
● Clear Quartz: The Amplifying stone. Clear quartz is essential when manifesting intentions. It encourages thought clarity and heightens the purpose in your heart and mind. It is a powerful stone for energy as it enhances all levels. Clear quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection with what you desire making it a wonderful crystal to use during meditation, manifestation rituals and for everyday use with your crystals to amplify their healing properties.
● Carnelian: The motivation stone. Carnelian reactivates the mind and body. It soothes inflammation and over-active conditions as well as calming when needed. Carnelian supports positive life choices and helps you to become fully present. Carnelian encourages you to trust yourself, a perfect stone for assisting you in any decision making.
● Amethyst: The balancing stone. Amethyst helps soothe stress, irritability and balances mood swings. It assists in dispelling anger, fear, and anxiety. Amethyst settles the mind, making it the perfect stone for confronting tricky situations with.
● Black Tourmaline: The ultimate grounding stone and the primary crystal for protection. Black tourmaline shields and deflects negative energies while also working on removing internal conflicts. Black Tourmaline encourages self-confidence, positive thoughts and promotes self-love. The ideal stone for facing the world as your true, unapologetic self.
● Moonstone: The stone of new beginnings. Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotions, irritability, stress and provides calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, inspiration, success and good fortune, in love and business making it a crystal favourite for every day.
Please note these are not intended to replace or override any medications or medical professionals recommendations. Crystals are to act as a mindful support tool powered by the intention of the user.