● Howlite: The calming stone. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. This stone teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. A beautiful tranquil stone to calm the mind and assist with peaceful, clear communication.
● Selenite: The stone of connection. Selenite creates a safe, peaceful space blocking out anything that attempts to influence your mind and is ideal for meditation practice. The power of this stone can charge any crystal and strengthen its properties making it the ideal stone for changing crystals or accompanying your choice of crystals for the day.
● Apophyllite: The stone of healing. Apophyllite is strong in assisting spiritual healing on a deep soul level. It absorbs and transmits energy and stimulates feelings of gratitude and joy, a wonderful stone for everyday use or for meditation or spiritual practice.
● Smokey Quartz: The stone of grounding. Smokey Quartz may help to relieve fear and stress, assiting with bringing emotional calmness to the mind. Smokey Quartz is the most effective grounding stone making it ideal for being an everyday companion.
● Dendritic Agate: Dendritic Agate dissolves blame and self-loathing caused by the inability to accept all aspects of oneself. This stone’s warm, gentle, and protective vibrations will promote security, stability, and self-confidence.
● Unakite: The nurturing stone. Unakite balances emotions. It provides grounding when needed and helps to facilitate new beginnings. Unakite gently releases conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth. A wonderful stone for assisting you in making a change from things that have been holding you back.
*canvas bag not included
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