It's that time again! The dreaded Mercury Retrograde is here, starting from May 10th to June 3rd 2022. While it can bring pesky energy that affects devices and the digital elements, we can use this time to reflect, review, refresh and discover.
REFLECT - go over things before making any final decisions (after retrograde)
REFRESH - start over or re-align to get back into a flow.
REVIEW - question lingering thoughts to set them free or take action.
RE-DISCOVER - remember why you started to bring back original inspiration and motivation
TAURUS - use this time to ponder changes you can make to better your life.
CANCER - all about spiritual connection.Look for signs in your dreams.
GEMINI - work on being more present and comfortable in solitude.
ARIES - communication is key. Take it slow, reflect before speaking.
LEO - time to set those career goals and up-skilling where you can.
PICES - give attention to things that have been on your mind.
LIBRA - work on connection with yourself and your true desires.
VIRGO - the urges for ‘newness’ are valid, use this time to plan it out.
CAPRICORN - you are being called to work on your body’s health and wellness.
SAGITTARIUS - use this time to give love to those odd jobs on your to-do list.
SCORPIO - Are you getting back the energy you put out?
AQUARIUS - a time to reconnect or rework relationships or projects.
With love, cleanse & co.
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