— Assisting with the healing process of losing someone, providing strength and love.
● Rhodonite: The compassion stone. Rhodonite encourages expressions of feelings, connection with loved ones and lifting guilt and shame. It is an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past while providing nurture and love. Rhodonite clears and activates the heart making it an excellent stone for communication, lifting your confidence and healing heart wounds after break ups or trauma.
● Rose Quartz: The stone of universal love. Rose Quartz promotes compassion, love and nurturing while also healing heartbreak and disappointment. It’s gentle light pink colour makes it the perfect stone for radiating empathy and showing the world your big beautiful heart.
● Amethyst: The balancing stone. Amethyst helps soothe stress, irritability and balances mood swings. It assists in dispelling anger, fear, and anxiety. Amethyst settles the mind, making it the perfect stone for confronting tricky situations with.
● Apache Tears: When we experience trauma, our emotions can get stuck or frozen in our bodies. Apache Tears help this frozen river of emotion start to flow again and release locked up grief. They are ideal to carry when you are doing grief work, trauma recovery, or therapy for old emotional wounds.
● Smokey Quartz: The stone of grounding. Smokey Quartz may help to relieve fear and stress, assisting with bringing emotional calmness to the mind. Smokey Quartz is the most effective grounding stone making it ideal for being an everyday companion.
*canvas bag not included
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